N$ 855.00

Seeds are treated with Thiram 3 g per Kg of seeds.
Indeterminate tall vigorous plants
Medium foliage cover with profuse branching
High yield potential
Long duration crop
Good for long-distance transportation

16 in stock

SKU: 6009712893034 Categories: , , ,
Seed Rate 40-50 g per acre
Selection of the field –
The field should be well prepared free from weeds and well
land preparation practices
drainage facility. 1-2 deep ploughing, Soil should be exposed to
sunlight, 3 to 4 rounds of harrows to reach fine tilt. Before the final
harrow, apply 8 to 10 MT well-decomposed FYM/acre along with
250 gm Trichoderma for controlling soil-born fungus.
Seed Treatment-
Seeds are treated with Thiram 3 g per Kg of seeds.
Sowing Time
Winter, Summer, Rainy
Seed Rate
Seed Rate: 40-50 g per acre.
Sowing method – spacing
Prepare the raised bed of 180x90x15cm, for 1acre 10 to 12 beds
are required.
The nursery should be free from weeds and debris. Line sowing
is recommended.
Distance between two rows: 8-10 cm (4 fingers) apart,
Distance between seed to seeds : 3-4 cm ( 2 fingers),
Seeds are sown in line at 0.5-1.0 cm deep
Transplanting should be done  21-25 days after sowing.
Row to Row and Plant to Plant – 120 x 45 or 90 x 45 cm
Fertilizer dose with timing
Total N:P:K requirement @ 100:150:150 kg per acre.
Basal Dose:
Apply 33% N and 50% P, K as basal dose
during final land preparation.
Top Dressing:
33% N and remaining P, K at 30 days after transplanting
34% N at 50 days after transplanting.
Weed Control-
Timely weed removal is very important, need based hand
weeding can be done to ensure healthy crop.
Diseases & Pest control
For effective crop control  use the following Insect and
disease solutions:
After Transplanting soil drench with Voliam Flexi @200 ml/acre
Powdery Mildew and Late Blight- Apply Amistar (200ml/acre),
Amistar TOP (200 ml/acre),
Alternaria/Anthracnose – Apply Blue Copper @ 600g/acre,
Alternaria – Apply Kuman L @ 600 ml/acre and for
any other diseases apply fungicide as per recommendation
from the Department of Agriculture (plant protection).
Aphid+Jassid+White Fly – Apply Actara @ 40g/acre,
Alika @ 50 ml/acre
Mites – Apply Pegasus @ 200ml/acre
Fruit Borer – Apply Alika @ 50 ml/acre, Matador @ 120 ml/acre,
and for any other Insects apply recommended insecticides.
Irrigation Schedule
Irrigation Frequency Depends upon –
A. Soil type: Light soils need more frequency.
Heavy soils need less frequency.
B. Crop stage:
Vegetative stage: maintain adequate moisture
for the development of roots.
Flowering & fruiting – frequent and shallow irrigation.
Harvesting – gradually reduce irrigation during harvesting
C. Growing season:
Summer – requires frequent irrigation.
Winter- As against the summer season,
in winter the irrigation frequency is longer.
Rainy – very less frequency depending upon soil moisture
Harvest the fruit at the time of physiological maturity. It starts
maturing by 65 -70 days after transplanting- depending on
 Picking is done generally at an interval of 4-5 days.
 Depending on type of market/distance -tomato are picked.

Download Tomato Growing Guidelines 

Download Tomato Brusher


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